I empowered my team but they completely failed

2 min Read
I empowered my team but they completely failed
It was because I didn’t understand one thing.
Here’s an example of what I missed.
One guy had 20 years experience and 3 years with the company. He really knew how we worked.
But he failed miserably on a project despite his “experience” since he had never done that thing
It happened all over my first company.
People felt unsupported and micro-managed
At the same time?
Then I learned a concept that completely transformed the way I lead:
↳ Task Relevant Maturity.
I learned it from the CEO of Intel and author of High Output Management Andy Grove.
So what is it?
It’s a way of managing based on task-specific experience. Not seniority.
So regardless of whether the person is:
→ C-level
→ Middle manager
→ Or a brand new hire
You manage them based on their skill level for the task.
And there’s a few levels to it:
Level 1 – Inexperienced
↳ Doing it with them and coaching during the process
Level 2 – Some experience
↳ They do it but you supervise closely and check in regularly.
Level 3 – Experienced
↳ You give the broad objective. They do the rest.
Now you can coach and support where needed and avoid micromanaging.
This completely leveled up my leadership.
And my teams have been grateful ever since.
What management concept has helped you the most?