Winning the Internet

Posted by John Prendergast

1 min Read

I couldn’t believe it when I got this photo.

As a founder I got a little choked up…

A customer put their grandchild in our gear!
This picture speaks volumes.
It’s a mix of …

Pride, joy, and a hint of
“Are we baby fashion icons now?”

Huge thanks to our customers who are really our community.
You make the work we do for advisors so meaningful.

John is the co-founder and CEO of Blueleaf and is an active startup advisor. He is also an experienced entrepreneur and senior executive. As part of 6 founding teams, he has led the product management, marketing, and finance functions. His background in banking and wealth management has shaped the vision for Blueleaf.

Your Biggest Competitor as a Financial Advisor isn't who you think it is.